Meet Tala.

An AI-powered language tutor for hands-on learners

Make mistakes. Get messy. Learn faster.
In language learning, perfect is the enemy of good.
Tala encourages free-flowing conversation early in your learning journey, so you can start making mistakes – and learning – quicker.
Learn Naturally
Experience language learning without the tedious repetition. Forget rote memorization and repetitive exercises — immerse yourself in hands-on, engaging conversations about whatever interests you.
Build Confidence
Practice speaking without fear of embarrassment. Speak at your own pace and improve your pronunciation with our advanced speech recognition technology, gaining confidence with every conversation.
Flexible and Supportive
Learn at your own pace, no matter your level. With adjustable listening speeds and easy access to look-up tools for words and phrases, you'll be speaking fluently in no time.
Ready to get messy?
Click below to get started.
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Copyright 2024, Dan Waters